TEC-JET Injection System TEC-JET Injection System TEC-JET Injection System

TEC-JET Injection System

INJECTOR WITH HYDRAULIC EFFECT for Micro-Incision cataract surgery


»Specially designed to suit our products

» Facilitates a soft, precise and completely controlled forward movement of the IOL through the cartridge Uses hydraulic effect of the viscoelastic solution to push the IOL with a soft bud

» Allows injecting the IOL with delicacy through a micro-incision of 2.0 mm to 2.6mm, depending upon to the insertion technique used.

» Made to fulfill Bi–Manual Phaco Surgery needs with Micro Lenses.

» Cartridge, used with our disposable “Tec-Jet Injection System” Injector, has the same hydraulic effect on the viscoelastic solution, driving the IOL with a silicone stopper.

» The “Cartridge” allows controlling the IOL injection through a sub–micro-incision of only 2.0–2.6 mm.

» Packed sterile 

Procedure for Tec-Jet Injection System

1 Procedure for extracting the IOL

  • IOL in Holster in Blister Pack


Points to remember while preparing injection of Sterile Foldable Acrylic Intraocular Lens

» Always lubricate the cartridge with viscoelastic substance.

» While placing IOLs with ‘C’ loop, on the cartridge, ensure that the front haptic (one leading the IOL into the cartridge barrel) is always facing left and is well folded. Also ensure that the back haptic is also folded towards the optic.

» While folding the flaps of the cartridge, ensure haptics and optic do not get caught between the flaps.

» Do not keep the IOL folded in the cartridge for more than 5 minutes.

For Doctors

» Gently push the push-rod a little, and push further until a part of lens comes out from cartridge, Now gently pull back the push-rod a little and push forward to finally deliver the lens to the capsular bag.

» Do not move the push rod of the injector until you are ready for IOL insertion. 

Download Procedure for Tec-Jet Injection System From Below

Product Overview

»Specially designed to suit our products

» Facilitates a soft, precise and completely controlled forward movement of the IOL through the cartridge Uses hydraulic effect of the viscoelastic solution to push the IOL with a soft bud

» Allows injecting the IOL with delicacy through a micro-incision of 2.0 mm to 2.6mm, depending upon to the insertion technique used.

» Made to fulfill Bi–Manual Phaco Surgery needs with Micro Lenses.

» Cartridge, used with our disposable “Tec-Jet Injection System” Injector, has the same hydraulic effect on the viscoelastic solution, driving the IOL with a silicone stopper.

» The “Cartridge” allows controlling the IOL injection through a sub–micro-incision of only 2.0–2.6 mm.

» Packed sterile 

Product Specification

Procedure for Tec-Jet Injection System

1 Procedure for extracting the IOL

  • IOL in Holster in Blister Pack


Product Detail

Points to remember while preparing injection of Sterile Foldable Acrylic Intraocular Lens

» Always lubricate the cartridge with viscoelastic substance.

» While placing IOLs with ‘C’ loop, on the cartridge, ensure that the front haptic (one leading the IOL into the cartridge barrel) is always facing left and is well folded. Also ensure that the back haptic is also folded towards the optic.

» While folding the flaps of the cartridge, ensure haptics and optic do not get caught between the flaps.

» Do not keep the IOL folded in the cartridge for more than 5 minutes.

For Doctors

» Gently push the push-rod a little, and push further until a part of lens comes out from cartridge, Now gently pull back the push-rod a little and push forward to finally deliver the lens to the capsular bag.

» Do not move the push rod of the injector until you are ready for IOL insertion. 

Download Procedure for Tec-Jet Injection System From Below

  1. Procedure for Tec-Jet Injection System  Download